University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
Ph.D., Psychology (Cognitive) and Computer Science (A.I.) 2009
Certificate in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009
Dissertation: ”The mechanisms of choice under uncertainty: Revealing, characterizing and modeling individual differences in the Iowa Gambling Task.”
Advisor: Dr. Thad Polk
Dissertation Committee: Thad Polk (Chair), David Meyer, Richard Lewis, John Laird, Satinder Baveja
Awards: Marquis Award for Best Dissertation in Psychology, Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, Regents Fellowship
Completed interdisciplinary degree combining Psychology (Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience) and Computer Science (Intelligent Systems). Program included candidacy qualification in both departments with coursework spanning cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, and computer science.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
S.M., Management Science 1992
S.M., Technology and Policy 1992
Thesis: ”The Performance of Learning Curve Strategies in a Disequilibrium Environment with Dynamic Demand”
Advisors: Drs. Rebecca Henderson and John Sterman
Completed Masters program in Management with an emphasis on technology innovation and system dynamics. Completed interdisciplinary Masters program in Policy focused on the economic, social and political implications of science and technology.
Brown University Providence, RI
Sc.B., Electrical Engineering 1992
Thesis: ”A Neural Network Architecture for Speaker Independent Phonetic Speech Classification”
Advisor: Dr. Harvey Silverman
Honors: Degree with Honors, Magna cum Laude, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, G.H. Main Premium for Diligence in Engineering
Sports: Freshman Crew; Rugby