Business & Management
HR One, Inc. New York, NY (1999-2002)
Founder & EVP of Product Development
Founded and helped build company that provided human resource products and services to small and midsize businesses. Formulated business plan and corporate strategy as member of the executive team and Board of Directors. Managed $2M budget with responsibility for all aspects of product development including staffing, planning, design, technology, quality assurance, customer support, and infrastructure.
Built and led 25-person product development and technology team. Designed and established all organizational work-processes including: project planning, scheduling, implementation and inter-department communications.
Designed and managed the development and launch of 15 web-based human resource applications that leveraged technology and best practices to improve the effectiveness and lower the costs of HR activities relative to traditional approaches. Conceived and developed patent-pending technology that enables employee-driven developmental feedback via the Internet.
Negotiated and closed sale of company to private-equity firm leading to $10M in institutional financing and partnership with leading HR direct-marketing company.
Brainstorm Interactive, Inc. New York, NY (1996-1999)
Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Founded, built and sold company that provided online services for professional and affinity-based networking and knowledge sharing: BranchOut and IndustryInsite. Developed business plan and strategy. Managed operations including product design, technology development, partnerships, infrastructure, and customer support.
Built and led 8-person product development team. Conceived and launched innovative, web-based professional networking services that utilized automated cross-matching of user affinities including schools, companies, personal and professional interests, and geographic locations.
Forged over 20 relationships with strategic partners including leading academic institutions, alumni associations, career websites, and content providers. Built base of 65,000 subscribers via partnerships, promotions, viral marketing, and public relations.
Raised $1.5M in equity financing from individual investors. Negotiated and closed sale of company to leading workforce management provider.
McKinsey & Company, Inc Chicago, IL (1991-1995)
Engagement Manager
Managed project teams that addressed the core business issues of Fortune 1000 executives. Focused on organizational performance improvement and reengineering. Designed and conducted analytical problem solving efforts, developed findings, and presented recommendations to management. Worked with clients to establish performance metrics and to develop organizational plans for implementing recommendations and tracking results.
Optimized pricing strategy for an industrial manufacturer. Developed computer-based simulations to test and optimize pricing in a blind-bid marketplace under a range of competitive scenarios.
Developed and implemented program that improved the effectiveness of a national field sales operation. Built a statistical model to optimize allocation of shelf space to products. Designed decision-support tools for local sales personnel to systematically identify and capture business opportunities. Created 20% profit improvement opportunity.
Developed and managed an industrial reengineering program including all production, maintenance, and administrative operations. Trained and managed team of 40 managers from all levels of the organization. Led development of decision support software. Identified 28% cost savings.
Redesigned a corporate strategic and operational planning system. Worked directly with, and acted as a liaison between, corporate executives, regional management, and field staff. Decentralized decision-making and profit responsibility to increase accountability and effectiveness of regional managers.
IE University Madrid, SPAIN
Dean, IE Business School (2021 – Present)
Responsible for the strategy, implementation and ongoing leadership of undergraduate, postgraduate and micro-credential programs of the school.
Member, IE University Executive Committee (2015 – Present)
Serve as member of the Comité de Dirección (Executive Committee) of IE, the executive review and decision making body of the institution.
Dean, School of Human Sciences and Technology (2015 – 2021)
Responsible for launch and development of the school and leading the design and management of all undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. As of 2021 the school serves approximately 1000 students each year in 20 world-class Masters and Bachelor degree programs.
Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2010 – 2015)
Responsible for strategic development of the school (the precursor to HST) and the design and management of post-graduate degree programs. Led the launch of three innovative New Economy degrees: Master in Market Research & Consumer Behavior (link), Master in Business Analytics & Big Data (link), and Executive Master in Positive Leadership & Strategy (link).
Dean of Innovation and Behavior, IE Business School (2013 – 2015)
Responsible for leading initiatives in educational innovation with an emphasis on the application of behavioral science to leadership development and professional skills training.
Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
Member, Executive Committee (2006 / 07)
Elected by department to serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Departmental Associate (2006 / 07)
Elected by department to serve as a voting participant in faculty meetings.
Member, Recruiting Committee (2005 / 06 / 07)
Helped plan and manage activities to support graduate recruitment in the Cognition and Perception Area.
Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience Reading Group (2004 / 05)
Founded an interdisciplinary reading group at the University of Michigan that brought together faculty and students in cognitive psychology, biopsychology, neuroscience, and computer science based on a common interest in computational explanations of the neural substrates of cognition. (Link)
Ad-Hoc Reviewing
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology